Transportation Performance Management is a strategic approach to connect investment and policy decisions to help achieve performance goals for the transportation system. Performance measures are indicators of progress toward attaining a goal, objective, or target (a desired level of future performance). Current federal legislation requires state departments of transportation (state DOT), metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), and transit providers to conduct performance-based planning by setting data-driven performance targets for several transportation performance measures, and then to program transportation investments that are expected to result in achievement of the targets.
The transportation performance measures, which were prescribed through rulemaking, address the national goal areas of: Improving Safety, Maintaining Infrastructure Condition, Reducing Traffic Congestion, Improving the Efficiency of the System and Freight Movement, Protecting the Environment, and Reducing Delays in Project Delivery. State DOTs and transit providers were required to establish applicable targets within one year of each performance measure rule’s release date. The MPOs were required to either adopt the state or transit provider targets or to establish their own quantifiable targets for their planning area within 180 additional days after the state DOT or provider took action.